Easy Caprese Tomatoes

When I visited Italy one of the dishes I had over and over again was Caprese Tomatoes. This is a terrific summer time recipe as well - works as an appetizer or salad and is light and juicy.

One important note is that you need to buy fresh mozzarella and use fresh basil if you can. I have a basil plant and I highly suggest a few little pots of herbs in general for cooking. The flavor is so much better than using dry herbs.

My mom likes to add a splash of basalmic vinegar when she makes these, but that depends on if you really like basalmic vinegar or not. If you're not sure you want to use it, then make it without the vinegar and taste it. If you want more tang splash on some vinegar.

A variation of this recipe is cubing the tomatoes and mixing in a bowl with goat or feta cheese instead of mozzarella. It makes a really nice salad. Every time I've made either one of these I get compliments :)

1-2 tomatoes
1 pkg fresh mozzarella (typically comes in a ball shape)
Olive oil
Salt and pepper (I like fresh ground pepper)

Slice tomatoes. Slice mozzarella and lay one piece on top of each tomato. Lightly pour olive oil over tomatoes - just drizzle it. Cut basil into manageable pieces and sprinkle on top. Salt and pepper over all of it to taste.


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